About ANNA Dutch
A new era era has dawned for exceptional caviar from ANNA Dutch - the most exclusive and innovative in the world today.

The Secret
Tradition. Innovation. Quality. These values have allowed the Dutch enterprise to forge its own future and set itself apart from its competitors.

Royal Fish
Robust genes. The caviar of the Caspian sturgeon Beluga (Huso huso), Russian Sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and Sevruga (Acipenser Stellatus) are acknowledged to be the best in the world.

Caviar Masters
Caviar production Caviar is still an exclusively handmade, artisanal food. With more than 25 years experience, the Caviar Masters from Caspian Region at the ANNA Dutch farm have a special approach to caviar production.

Quality and the Environment
The best feed and water combination . Only healthy fish eat, grow and maintain a high quality. Health and contentment are closely linked, from roe right through to the dinner plate, is dependent on the well-being of the fish.

The secret of the best caviar
Tradition. Innovation. Quality. These values have allowed the Dutch enterprise to forge its own future and set itself apart from its competitors.

FSSC 2200 food safety certification / FRIEND OF THE SEA sustainable fisheries certification program.
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